Vancouver Book Launch
Nov. 29, 2012
The Ukrainian Women's Association of Canada Vancouver Branch hosted a book launch of several Language Lanterns translations of Ukrainian literature into English tonight at the Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral in Vancouver. Admission was free, and cookies, cakes and coffee were served. Thank you very much! And thanks to UWAC Vancouver Chair Lydia Huzyk for taking the lead!
Twenty-eight people braved the dark, rainy night to attend, and we sold over 40 books.
Editor Paul Cipywnyk talked about how the project began over 15 years ago, with Roma Franko, a retired professor of Slavic languages, translating Ukrainian literature into English, and Sonia Morris, a retired professor of Educational Psychology, editing them. Morris passed away in 2007, and Cipywnyk took over as editor.
So far LLP has produced a total of 23 volumes and nearly 10,000 pages!
Cipywnyk read from an interview that Franko had given on how she got started translating, and also from a speech by Morris for a book launch back in 2000. He then provided some historical background to the era and place in which several of the recent books were set: Ukraine circa 1860-1935, capping the evening with readings from the books Prometheus and Maria.
Thanks to the organizers again for putting on such a wonderful event.
Cipywnyk recorded the proceedings, so if you're interested in listening, you can download the 15MB WMA file here.

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